About us
Modern Slavery Act Statement 2024
This statement is made on behalf of Slater and Gordon UK Holdings Limited pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) and it constitutes our Modern Slavery Statement for all entities within the Slater and Gordon owned group of companies (“the group”).

This statement is made on behalf of Slater and Gordon UK Holdings Limited pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) and it constitutes our Modern Slavery Statement for all entities within the Slater and Gordon owned group of companies (“the group”). Slater and Gordon UK Holdings Limited publishes a group statement setting out how we target the prevention of modern slavery, not just in our qualifying companies (which are detailed below) but in all of our group companies by implementing an overarching group Anti-Slavery Policy and aligned Statement setting out one single approach to pro-actively combat modern slavery.
Our approach
Our group wide Anti-Slavery Policy sets out our zero-tolerance approach to both modern slavery and human trafficking which reflects our ongoing commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. Slater and Gordon group is committed to identifying and understanding the risks of modern slavery and to ensuring that we are proactive in our approach to the prevention of modern slavery practices across the group and its various supply chains. This will be done by implementing a continuous programme of improving our processes and dedicated training so that, all employees, agents, consultants, suppliers, and any other parties associated with the group will be safeguarded, treated fairly and with dignity.
Our business
The Slater and Gordon group comprises several separately constituted and regulated legal entities providing legal and motor services within England, Wales, and Scotland. The end of the financial year for all group companies was 31st December 2023 and within the Group structure the following legal services and group management support service businesses, met the qualifying criteria under the Act.
• Slater and Gordon UK Holdings Limited (10977311)
• Slater and Gordon (UK) 1 Limited (07895497)
• Slater and Gordon UK Limited, (07931918)
None of the other group owned and operated companies individually met the qualifying criteria for a Modern Slavery Statement, but all group companies do still fall within the overall group policy and are encompassed by this group statement.
Areas of risk and our approach
Our principal areas of risk across the Group are people supply chains, the recruitment of employees through recruitment agencies, together with our outsourcing arrangements. The Group employs professionally qualified lawyers but also employs other non-qualified legal advisors and paralegals together with staff who provide administrative, facilities, IT, and other business services. Our supply chain consists of suppliers who provide goods and services to us to enable the group to deliver legal professional services. Most goods and services the group procures are based in the UK although during 2024 we did commence the outsourcing of certain client onboarding services to South Africa.
The main categories of goods and services that we procure either directly or indirectly are:
• Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to include but not limited to computer hardware and software, cloud services, servers, printers, and mobile phones.
• External professional services such as legal counsel, barristers, financial advisors, accountants, consultants, external solicitors, medical agencies, and independent expert advisors for the purposes of our client(s) matters.
• Workplace and Facilities services such as stationary providers, office fit outs, office management, utilities, cleaning, and security.
• Business Development to include the provision of branded merchandise, on-site and offsite catering for events, and venue providers.
• Outsourcing of high-quality client onboarding services originally based in the UK but which was switched to South Africa during 2024.
Supply chains and Outsource supplier(s)
During 2023 we continued to seek to ensure that there are mandatory clauses within all relevant contracts with suppliers and commercial business partners, so that we ask all potential new suppliers or business partners to undertake, warrant and represent that neither they, their personnel, sub-contractors or any other member of their supply chain have committed an offence or are under investigation for an alleged MSA Offence and that they do confirm their compliance with the Act and the steps they specifically take to satisfy themselves that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of their supply chains or any other part of their business. This includes the outsourcing arrangement which commenced in 2024, and which has specific Modern Slavery clauses and assurances built in. In addition, we conduct appropriate levels of due diligence on all new suppliers prior to engagement.
Recruitment and Employment
To facilitate the recruitment of new employees into the group we only use reputable recruitment agencies which are subject to a thorough verification process prior to their addition to our approved list of recruitment agencies. The contracts between the group and recruitment companies also have the previously mentioned specific anti-slavery clauses contained within them. Whilst the recruitment of legal and other professional colleagues is assessed as being of minimal risk in terms of slavery or human trafficking, this is kept under continuous review to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the groups Anti-Slavery Policy.
New colleagues who start are then subject to the required “right to work” checks. There is also an ongoing programme of welfare checks as part of regular 121 meetings between supervising managers and staff members. This will help to minimise any risk of staff members being the victim of modern slavery or human trafficking.
Specific modern slavery awareness training is provided to all colleagues and not just those directly involved in the management of supply chains or the procurement of supplier services. This is intended to ensure that everyone has the requisite tools and knowledge to deal with any identified concerns. The most recent training was delivered to all employees in April 2023. As the training is delivered bi-annually, training is scheduled for the first quarter of 2025.
Incident reporting
All colleagues within the group are responsible for the detection and reporting of any modern slavery practices. Concerns or suspicions are to be reported either to the group’s Legal, Data & Compliance teams or to the Human Resources team using our dedicated online portal, or by using our Whistleblowing Policy and Whistleblowing Procedure. There have been no reports of modern slavery or human trafficking concerns made during 2022 or 2023.
This is our fifth annual group statement. The preceding statement also covered the same qualifying group entities.
The continuation of mandatory training to employees is scheduled to be delivered in early 2025.
We will also continue with the review of supply chains to include specific procedures and protocols for the verification of new suppliers into group businesses and where applicable all new supply contracts entered into by the business will include modern slavery provisions.
The group commits to maintaining our current levels of proactive activity to help eradicate any risk of modern slavery and human trafficking practices within the group or its supply chains.
Delivery of these systems and controls rest with our Legal, Risk & Compliance and Human Resources teams who can be contacted for further information.
Board approved
The Modern Slavery Statement has been approved by Nils Stoesser on behalf of the Board of Directors who will review and update it regularly, with the next review scheduled for 2025.
Name: Nils Stoesser.
Position held: Director and Chief Executive Officer
Dated: 18th October 2024