Young mother cuddling sleeping son

Medical Negligence

Cerebral palsy claims

Cerebral palsy is a life-changing condition that can have a drastic impact on a child’s quality of life. If mistakes were made in your medical care during pregnancy or childbirth, Slater and Gordon’s specialist cerebral palsy solicitors can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Meet our medical negligence solicitors

Many of our lawyers are considered leaders in the field with a significant amount of expertise.

Emma Doughty, our Head of Medical Negligence

Emma Doughty

National and London Head of Medical Negligence

Ben Gent, our Principal Lawyer and Interim Head of Medical Negligence for Manchester

Ben Gent

Head of Medical Negligence - Manchester

Yvonne Agnew

Yvonne Agnew

Head of Medical Negligence - Cardiff

Joanne Warren

Interim Head of Medical Negligence - Liverpool

One of the UK’s leading specialist law firms.

We are proud to have partnerships with national charities and be recognised in the latest legal directories.

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What is cerebral palsy?

Though most people assume cerebral palsy is a singular condition, it is actually the name given to a group of lifelong conditions that affect muscle movement and coordination. These conditions are caused by an underdevelopment in a child’s brain during pregnancy, or by problems or complications during or shortly after birth. This can include issues such as a lack of oxygen to the brain, or a bleed on the brain.

The symptoms of cerebral palsy are not usually immediately apparent, and often become noticeable in early age as the child develops. Symptoms can include:

  • Weak arms or legs
  • Movements that seem clumsy, jerky, or random and uncontrollable
  • Delayed development, such as not being about to sit by eight months or not walking by 18 months
  • Walking on tiptoes
  • Problems swallowing
  • Issues with speaking or vision, or learning disabilities

The degree to which cerebral palsy impacts a child can vary significantly. While some child may only experience symptoms quite mildly, others can be left severely disabled. Although there is no cure, physiotherapy and occupational therapy can help improve mobility and balance.

Can medical negligence cause cerebral palsy?

In some cases, problems occur before, during or after a child’s birth that cannot be prevented, despite the highest standard of medical care. However, if mistakes have been made by medical staff that have contributed to the development of cerebral palsy, you may be entitled to make a cerebral palsy negligence claim.

Some of the mistakes that can lead to problems for your child include:

  • Failure to diagnose an infection during pregnancy
  • Not monitoring the baby’s heart rate often or closely enough
  • Failure to monitor blood sugar levels
  • Delays in delivering the baby (also by Caesarean Section)
  • Misuse of drugs
  • Poor treatment of jaundice
  • Complications with the umbilical cord resulting in lack of oxygen to the baby

Am I entitled to make a cerebral palsy claim?

Cerebral palsy can have a huge impact on a child’s life, as it can affect their development, their communication skills, and their ability to navigate the world around them. What’s more, accessing support for your child can be difficult and expensive, and can leave parents feeling trapped and unsure.

Learning that your child’s condition could have been avoided had medical staff provided the right level of care can be devastating. If medical mistakes have contributed to the development of your child’s cerebral palsy, you may be entitled to make a claim for cerebral palsy compensation.

Doing so can have several benefits. At its core, a cerebral palsy claim can provide you and your family the financial support you need to provide the care your child requires. It can also shed light on the mistakes that were made and help to ensure that they do not happen again.

What can I claim cerebral palsy compensation for?

We understand that finding out your child has cerebral palsy can be an extremely stressful and emotional time, particularly if it has been caused by someone else’s negligence. No amount of compensation can undo what has been done, but it can help to support you and your family financially.

As well as claiming cerebral palsy compensation for pain and suffering, we’ll also include as part of your claim the cost of any care, treatment, rehabilitation, aids and equipment and any housing adaptations or property that’s required now or will be needed in the future. Additionally, if you’ve suffered any hardship as a result of lost earnings, this can also be recovered.

For more information about bringing a claim for medical negligence, read our medical negligence FAQs page and our medical negligence claims guide.

Talk to us about your case

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869

How do I make a claim for cerebral palsy compensation?

We understand how overwhelming the process of making a cerebral palsy compensation claim can seem, which is why we work hard to ensure it is a simple and stress-free as possible.

When you get in touch, one of our friendly cerebral palsy solicitors will arrange an initial discussion with you to go through the details of your case. This will help us to get a better understanding of the circumstances surrounding the negligence, and the impact that this is having on you, your child and your family.

We’ll tell you straightaway if we think you have a claim and will take you through the process step-by-step, so you’ll always know where you stand and what to expect. Throughout the process, we’ll keep you up-to-date and in the know, and aim to have you claim settled as soon as possible so you and your family can move forward.

You can start your claim today by contacting us online or calling us on 0330 041 5869.

Why should I choose Slater and Gordon’s cerebral palsy solicitors?

At Slater and Gordon, our cerebral palsy solicitors are leaders in medical negligence law and have a wealth of experience in handling cerebral palsy claims. Our award-leading team are consistently ranked highly in independent legal directories, such as Chambers and Partners, and the Legal 500, and are proud to have helped numerous clients achieve the compensation they deserve.

As well as expert lawyers specialising in the field of medical negligence, we also have trained nurses and midwives on our team with the knowledge and expertise to provide the best service possible for our clients.

If your child is suffering from cerebral palsy due to negligent medical care, our experts are here to help you with sensitivity and compassion and will fight for the compensation that you deserve.

Talk to us about making a cerebral palsy claim

Call us now on:   0330 041 5869
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